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Direct ATA & FTA Awards

Associate-ship without Examination Honorary Award
Regulation 17: Direct ATA Award by application on the basis of qualification and experience: (Fees Rs.2150)
1. Application must be a Life member of The Textile Association (India)
2. Applicants should fill-in the Form E and pay the fees as per the Schedule. His application should be recommended by two professionals and endorsed by the Unit Secretary and accompanied by check list.
3. He should satisfy at least one of the following conditions:

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Direct ATA Award on the basis of Special Cases by application

Regulation No. 18: Special cases (i.e. person without technical qualifications but with long experience in the textile field).
1. The PAC is empowered to consider applications for Direct Associate-ship from members who are unable to comply with the provisions under Regulation 16 to 17 but who have an industrial experience of at least 14 years, provided they have attained the age of 40 years on the date of application.
2. Such applicants under Special Category should fill in the Form E along with the fees as scheduled. The application should be recommended by two professionals, endorsed by the Unit Secretary and accompanied by check list.
3. The candidate should be a Life member.

Regulation No. 19: The Associates, who have received the certificates of Associate-ship under the Regulations 16, 17 or 18 are entitled to use the designator initial (viz. ATA, FTA) after their names. However it should be noted that direct award by application is not entitled for acceptance as a qualification for recruitment or for higher studies.

Fellowship Of The Textile Association (FTA) – Honorary Award

Regulation 20: For the eligibility of applying for FTA award the following conditions should be satisfied:
1. The applicant must have been a Patron member of the Association.
2. The applicant must be at least 35 years of age at the time of making application.
3. The applicant must have held a senior responsible position in textile industry / in academic / research institute / in industry allied to textile industry.
4. As an evidence of his contribution to the textile field, the applicant must sent to the PAC documentary proof giving the details of his specific work, as elf assessment report & paper published.(Xerox copies of publication be enclosed)
5. In addition to assessing, the contribution of the applicant, the PAC may ask the candidate to appear for a special interview, if needed.
6. The applicant must fill in the application form F along with the fees as Scheduled. His application must be recommended by at least one FTA.
7. The complete application endorsed by the Secretary of the Unit and accompanied by check list should reach the Central Office 15th days before PAC meeting.
8. Direct award, Members with technical qualification should have minimum 10 years of experience and in case of non-technical 15 years’ experience in industry/teaching/research.

Regulation 21: The Fellows who have received the Fellowship under the Regulation 20 (or Honorary Fellowship) are entitled to use the designator initials FTA After their names. This (Hon) FTA award is only recognition by TAI of the candidates Proficiency in textiles and not valid document for recruitment or admission to higher studies.

Note: The decision of the PAC will be final in all cases.

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