The Journal of the Textile Association (JTA) is an Open Access, internationally indexed prestigious Bi-Monthly Peer Reviewed Textile Journal published by the Textile Association (India) since over 84 years, devoted for publication of communications embodying the results of original work of Research / Review which covers in only on different Textile branches of Textile Science, Technology, Engineering and Management that provides rapid publication. Manuscripts, other than Journal Scope will be rejected.
JTA is indexed by Scopus (Elsevier), National Academy of Agriculture Science (NAAS), Indian Citation Index (ICI) and National Institute of Science Communication & Information Resources (NISCIAR) and by some others.
JTA is Abstracted by Chemical Abstract (USA), Science Abstract (India) and World Textile Abstract (UK) etc.
JTA is in the phase of transformation to a Peer Reviewed journal and hence it is requested to go through the JTA Guidelines and send us Manuscripts as per the requirements mentioned. Please follow the parameters for improving journal better Quality and Impact Factor. We follow Blind Peer Review Process. Received Manuscript Submissions, Hon. Editor decides for its acceptance or rejection. Accordingly, Author is intimated to make the changes considering the format and guidelines. If it is approved, it goes for blind review process. Received comments from the Reviewers will be sent to the author to send back edited revised manuscript after considering the changes. Author will be informed for final rejection or the acceptance of the manuscript.
Corresponding Author has to declare first that the article is original, not published (entirely or partly) in any other journal and not similar article is published by any other authors. Submit Article Submission Declaration Form duly signed.
Avoid publishing of Unethical Policies and practices. Such manuscripts will not be accepted.
Submit Plagiarism Report (Should within 0 to 10) Unique Data Compulsory
Manuscripts should be spell checked and grammar checked.
Author should submit Three Reviewers which are related to the field of the paper with their Full Contact Details (Name, Position, Organisation, Full Address, E-mail ID & Cell no.) and reasoning for suggesting these Reviewers. They should not be from the same Institute of Authors.
Use the Guidelines to carry out a final check of your manuscript before you send it to the journal for publication. Scholars should submit the manuscript only after varying by their HoD or seniors.
Page Layout: A4 Size paper, Margin Top 0.2”, Bottom 0.3”, Left 0.7”, Right 0.6” (No formatting in lines). Do not highlight with coloured. Manuscript must be in WORD Ms format in single column. No PDF file.
Manuscripts should be mailed to Hon. Editor at
Authors are strictly warned for not to contact any Reviewer/s and request for the acceptance of their manuscripts. If it is noticed or get the information to us, such manuscript will be rejected without mentioning the reason.
Editorial Board has reserved the right to accept or reject any Manuscripts.
Author should submit the Manuscript Submission Declaration Form duly signed.
Each Manuscripts will be charged Rs. 5000/- as Article Processing Charges (APC). Payments needs to make after getting approved by the Hon. Editor. Bank details will be provided to you.
Journal of the Textile Association publishes the following types of Articles.
It should be written in English only on MS Word 2007 or above in Single Column. No Header, Footer & Page no. to be inserted. Illustrations (Figures & Tables) to be clear readable images in (JPEG) format and must be inserted in the article at the appropriated position to appear. Articles should be concisely in 1.15 spaces in A4 paper size with required margins. Article shall be prepared in Times New Roman using font size 11 normal and for Article Title (14 bold faces, each of first word in Capital and others in Lower case). Author/s Name using font size 12 bold faces, Department, Institute with location using font size 11 Italic faces are to be used. For citation/references follow the journal style. It should be numbered in the text consecutively, like [1, 2] or [1-5] etc. formatted as superscript.
It should be arranged in the following order:
1. Title
2. Author(s)
3. Institute
4. Abstract & Keywords
5. Corresponding Author
6. Introduction
7. Materials and Methods
8. Results
9. Conclusions
10. Acknowledgement (if any)
11. References
The Title should be on the first page with Times New Roman (14 font Bold), not more than 14 words, Name/s of the Author/s (12 font Bold), Department, Name of Institute with Address (11 font Italic). Total Authors should not be more than 4.
Please mention Full Address of *Corresponding Author including E-mail ID at bottom left corner of the title page. If any of the co-authors are from different organizations, their addresses too should be mentioned and indicated using numbers after their names. The Corresponding Author of the article must be marked with an asterisk*. More than 4 Authors names will be deleted.
Abstract should be typed briefly reflect all aspects of the study, as most databases list mainly abstracts and references should be avoided. The abstract section should not exceed more than 250 words and divided must be into Background, Methods, Results and Conclusion sub-heading.
Must provide 5-6 appropriate Keywords after the abstract section and Keywords should be arranged in alphabetical order.
The introduction should not be an extensive literature review although it should provide sufficient background information for the reader to understand and evaluate the results of the present study.
Materials and Methods
Describe the materials used in the experiment, department, place, month, year of experimentation etc. in the separate first paragraph. Followed by describe the methodology (with references) implied for collection of data in short on next paragraph.
Tables should be numbered consecutively (Table 1, Table 2 etc.) and each table must paste on the appropriate position in the article text. The title should be typed at the top of the table in bold letters. No full stop at the end of each caption’
Illustrations and Figures
Figures must be (Preferable in JPEG) cleared readable, visible, numbered and cited at the relevant position in the below of the article text, e.g. Figure 1:, Figure 2 :, etc. in Bold letters. No full stop at the end of each caption’
Results and Discussion
Results should be clear and concise. Discussion should explore the significance of the results of the work, not repeat them. A combined Results and Discussion section is desirable. Avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature.
This should state clearly the main conclusions of the research and give a clear explanation of their importance and relevance. A short, paragraph summarizing the most important finding(s) of the research is required. The conclusions section should not exceed more than 150 words.
The source of any financial support, gifts, technical assistance and advice received for the work being published must be indicated in the Acknowledgments section. This should be brief and for special assistance only.
The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the bibliographic information (references). It should be numbered consecutively in Square Bracket [ ] in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text at the end of the respective text. The style and punctuation of the references should conform to the following examples: Reference numbering should start with 1 and follow in a sequential manner.
• Journal references
Authors Name(s), “Title of Article”, Name of the journal, (Volume/No.) (Page Nos.), (Month & Year of issue), DOI Code
[1] N. Gokerneshan, A. J. Abisha Raju, Lakshmi Sudheer & K. M. Pachiyappan, “Acoustic Properties of Woven - Part II: Studies on Corduroy and Fabric with Polyester Fabrics made from Staple and Textured Weft Yarns”, Journal of the Textile Association, 82/2 (2021) 61-67,
• Books
[2] Beyer WF, Fridovich I. ‘A Text Book of Medical Biochemistry’, 2nd ed., Germany; LAP Lambert Academic publishing: 2013: pp. 13-33.
• Websites
[3] [Internet]. New York: Association of Cancer Online Resources, Inc.; c2000-01 [updated 2002 May 16; cited 2002 Jul 9],
EXAMPLE: Title Page
Acoustic Properties of Wovens - Studies on Corduroy and Fabric with Polyester
Fabrics Made From Staple
N. Gokerneshan1*, B. Padma1 & R. Haripriya2
1Department of Costume Design and Fashion, Dr. SNS Rajalakshmi College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore,
2Dr. SNS Rajalakshmi College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore
In Names do not mention affiliation Dr., Prof., Ms, etc.
Keywords: 5-6 words in Alphabetical order
*Corresponding Author:
Prof. R. N. Jagtap
Associate Professor,
Department of Fabric and Apparel Science,
Lady Irwin College,
Delhi University, Sikandra Road, Mandi House,
New Delhi, Delhi – 110 001
1. Introduction (Bold)
1.1 Bold
[1] hjghkjl
[2] i99tr
Article Processing Charges:
For the benefits of Authors and wide acceptance of the journal, from March 2024 onwards the editorial board has decided that author has to pay Rs 5000 as Article Processing Charges for the papers accepted for publication after adhering to review comments.
The APC needs to be paid online on the given bank details and the UTR of the same has to be mailed to T.A.I. office.
Bank Details:
Beneficiary Name: The Textile Association (India)
Bank Name: Bank of Maharashtra
Account Number: 60059709862
Bank Code No: 400014004
IFSC No: MAHB0000016